Saturday, July 24, 2010

Settling in at home - 1 week old!

We came home from the hospital on Monday afternoon and have enjoyed this week with family and taking time to settle in with our new little guy. He's doing really well, eating like a fiend, and becoming more alert every day. He sleeps almost all day and night, but is a little confused about day and night... last night he wanted to be awake from 2 AM - 6AM, then finally passed out and we had to wake him up to eat about 3.5 hours later. :)

He's already in size 1 diapers and doesn't fit any of his newborn clothes. Darn... some of them were really cute. I guess that's the way it works when you have a 10-lb baby, though.

Stephanie's mom was in town this week being an amazing help with cleaning, laundry, and food and Eric's family is in town also, splitting time between Mark & Sarah's and our place.

Eric will be off work next week also and we're open to visitors almost anytime, just give us a call! :)