Friday, June 25, 2010

37 Weeks - Officially Full-Term!

We've made it! Officially full-term, although our due date is not for another three weeks. Anytime between now and July 29th would be completely normal for the baby to be born.

We've finally got the baby's room set up and the car seat, so we are ready for him to show up! We did get some unfortunate news from the midwife yesterday, though. Apparently it looks like I have late-onset gestational diabetes. This means that I am now on a no-refined-sugar diet and limited natural sugar intake. Darn.

The two risks are that the baby could be huge and also sugar-dependent, which would mean he would have a hard time adjusting after he is born. We're really hoping that he'll come early so he doesn't have much of a chance to get too big...

We also got some maternity pictures taken last week, so we'll post those when we get them!

Love you all!
Steph & Eric

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Week 34 - 6 weeks to due date!

Hey! We're getting closer... and bigger... and Eric is nesting. Right now, he is sealing the back deck. The list of projects he's working on is getting pretty darn long. So far it has been:
  • pour a new driveway/sidewalk
  • till yard and plant new grass - and pull weeds at 10PM
  • build raised garden bed in backyard (which included excavating)
  • build garden beds in front yard
  • rip out huge ugly bushes in front yard
  • reorganize the basement
  • scrub, bleach, and seal back deck
  • install ceiling fan in our room
He's a rockstar, getting ready for the little man. They say 50% of all men get "sympathy" pregnancy symptoms. Since I have had very few of the awful ones, he's making up for the "nesting" symptom. :)

We just had our 2nd baby shower this weekend. The first one was April 18th in Kansas City, and that was great. This weekend we had a huge shindig in Cedar Rapids for Amanda's high school graduation on Saturday, followed by a baby shower on Sunday. The Golding family is amazing, especially Elizabeth for planning the party and Ben for planning the food. And everyone who helped get stuff ready. Wow.

Here's some pictures from the shower and the weekend in general.

And the update on the baby...
  • He was breech, but is now head-down. Good news!
  • The midwife guessed today he's about 5 1/2 lbs now and will be roughly 8lbs
  • He got the hiccups in church on Sunday and Lynnea thought it was hilarious.
Have a great day!!