Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring is here... kindof.

Sorry it's been so long since posting, the last 2 months have been unprecedented craziness for us. Between Eric's work picking up to overtime every week, my work requiring a LOT more time during some pretty difficult projects, and Eric's master's degree work, we've found ourselves in way over our heads. Thankfully, I am getting some time off this week and really enjoying it. Caleb is changing literally every day and we both eat up every minute we get to spend with him.

Caleb is hitting that point when his development is getting a lot more obvious - making the leap from figuring out that he has limbs to using them to do whatever he wants. It's so much fun to watch! He's not quite crawling, but right on the brink. He scoots backwards, sits up, lunges, and kicks a lot. And yet somehow he always ends up with Mina's bones in his hand heading for his mouth or using the computer cord as a whip/lasso.

Speaking of Mina, Caleb and Mina are becoming very good friends. We think he ends up with her bones when we're not looking because she gives them to him. :) She puts up with his grabbing at her paws and using her belly as a drum... and even volunteers for cleaning up after mealtime both under his chair and the leftovers on his cheeks when I'm not looking.

Just this week he has started giggling at seemingly everything - the book I am reading him, pictures of cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles on facebook, and even the trees he sees out the window in the car. He's pretty easily entertained and we are thankful for that. His smile is contagious, but it's often hiding behind his very serious demeanor which makes it even more special.

Now that the weather is warming up, we are going on walks outside pretty often and even taking out the jogging stroller occasionally. He is getting so big it's hard to keep him in the carrier, so the stroller is getting a bunch more use! His latest checkup put him at 22lbs 11oz, which is about 94th % Not sure if he's going to stay a giant, but he's sure keeping up for now!

Here's more pictures!

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